A single platform for all your needs
Aumet is dedicated to being
the #1 healthcare B2B sales platform.
Expand your distribution
with access to thousands
of pharmacies
We have more than 80 distributors in 4 countries through Aumet marketplace
Platform is accessible anytime anywhere
List all your products in one step
No installation and no specific devices required
A single platform for all your needs
List all your products in one step
Expand your distribution with access to thousands of pharmacies
Manage your orders
in one place
ERP integration
Dashboard and analytics reports
of your sales, orders, and products
Platform is accessible anytime anywhere
Get notified about exclusive offers and product stock availability
Live order tracking
live chat with distributors
Check and compare prices and bonuses
Connect directly with the most popular
distributors in your country
Aumet is dedicated to being the #1 healthcare B2B sales platform.
Expand your distribution
with access to thousands
of pharmacies
We have more than 80
distributors in 4 countries
through Aumet marketplace
Platform is accessible anytime,
List all your products in one step
Stay up to date with our latest news and special offers.