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 Medication Side Effects: Behind the Label

523 ViewsMedication Side Effects: Behind the Label When it comes to taking medications, it’s crucial to understand the potential side effects that may accompany them. Side effects are unintended, and often undesired, effects that can occur as a result of using certain medications. These effects can vary in severity and impact individuals differently. In this […]

Increase pharmacy sales with Personalized Customer Experiences

635 Views Increase pharmacy sales With Personalized Customer Experiences In today’s competitive pharmaceutical market, increasing sales and fostering customer loyalty have become critical objectives for pharmacies. With the rise of online pharmacies and the convenience they offer, traditional brick-and-mortar stores need to find innovative ways to engage their customers and enhance their shopping experience. One […]

RSD System: Boosting Efficiency and Success in pharmacies

4,359 ViewsRSD System: Boosting Efficiency and Success in pharmacies In the world of pharmacy management, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. With numerous tasks to handle, from inventory management to prescription tracking, it’s essential to have a reliable system in place that can streamline operations and maximize success. RSD system revolutionizing pharmacy management and propelling businesses […]

Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Field: Aumet’s CEO at AAU’s Scientific Day

659 ViewsInnovation in the Pharmaceutical Field: Aumet’s CEO at AAU’s Scientific Day Under the patronage of the President of Amman Arab University, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Widyan, and the Deanship of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University, an insightful Scientific Day event was organized in collaboration with the Academia Integration Platform Company. Titled “Innovation […]

How drug interaction can impact your health

490 ViewsHow drug interaction can impact your health In today’s fast-paced world, medications play a crucial role in managing various health conditions. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with interactions between drugs.  Drug interaction refers to the effect that occurs when two or more drugs interact with each other […]

What is an ERP System: Unraveling the Complexity

3,799 ViewsIn today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations need robust tools to manage their operations effectively and efficiently. One such tool that has revolutionized the way businesses operate is the ERP system. With its ability to integrate various functions and streamline processes, it has become an indispensable asset for modern enterprises. In this article, we will […]

Understanding Drug Indication: From Diagnosis to Treatment

drug indication

2,078 ViewsUnderstanding Drug Indication: From Diagnosis to Treatment Drug indications play a crucial role in the field of medicine, bridging the gap between a patient’s diagnosis and the appropriate treatment plan. By understanding it and its significance, healthcare professionals can make informed decisions and provide optimal care to their patients. In this article, we will […]

Pharma ERP Software : Ultimate Guide To Make The Best Choice

ERP for pharmacy software

4,326 ViewsPharma ERP Software: Ultimate Guide To Make The Best Choice As the pharmaceutical industry grows more complex, companies need to keep up with industry trends and demands. Moreover, this includes integrating an ERP system into their business processes. In this article, we’ll delve into what ERP is, the different types of software available in […]

Mohammad Batterjee: Co-Founder, CCO, and Investor of Aumet

864 ViewsMohamed Batterjee Co-Founder, CCO, and Investor of Aumet Mohamed Batterjee is a co-founder, CCO, and investor of Aumet, an innovative platform that aims to digitize the medicine order system and secure the lives of billions of people globally. With an extensive background in the pharmaceutical industry, Batterjee’s journey to co-founding Aumet showcases his passion […]

Aumet Solutions: Streamlining Pharmacy Operations with Aumet’s ERP System

3,489 ViewsAumet Solutions: Streamlining Pharmacy Operations with Aumet’s ERP System Aumet Solutions is a comprehensive platform that provides innovative solutions to help pharmacies manage their operations more efficiently. Aumet Solutions includes two main products: Aumet’s ERP system for pharmacy management and Aumet’s marketplace platform for pharmacy orders. The ERP system is designed to help pharmacies […]